What is a Full Body Lift?
When a patient has a significant amount of weight loss over a very short period of time, causing the remaining skin to not retain its elasticity and shrink back down size, a full body lift surgery may be helpful. Many patients with excessive amounts of hanging skin go through a multitude of problems, everything from daily hygiene to finding clothes that fit, but also hide what they don’t want seen.
A holistic and comprehensive approach to the bariatric surgery and its outcome is necessary to achieve your desired figure following the weight loss. Bariatric patients must be treated uniquely from non-bariatric patients, because the elements of the procedures needed are basic, but the process is very different. In the past what has worked for many others simply may not be what is required for this type of patient.
Details of the Procedures
As mentioned previously, it is important to develop a comprehensive approach to your body contouring. This has evolved into several specialized techniques meant to optimize your results. These include:
- Developing a clear overall strategy during the consultation process and reviewing this plan during the preoperative visit. This plan will be reviewed thoroughly so that you have a full understanding of the procedures, incisions, and results you can expect.
- Precise preoperative skin marking prior to surgery. While you are standing, your plastic surgeon will make marks on the skin identifying certain landmarks as well as the intended incisions. Not only does this provide information necessary during the operation, but it also allows you to review the operative plan one more time with your surgeon before undergoing the procedure.
- Using various positioning techniques on the operating room table to optimize visualization intra-operatively that enables him to provide smooth, natural contouring from one body region to the next.
- Precise cutting, redraping and sculpting techniques.
- Careful but considerable suture techniques to provide support to the incisions during the healing process. By using multiple layers of strong sutures beginning deep in the tissues and finishing superficially, the resulting scar is optimized and heals into an acceptable thin line. Even with this suture technique, your plastic surgeon should be able to use sutures beneath the surface of the skin that do not require removal. Not having to undergo suture removal has greatly improved patient comfort and satisfaction postoperatively.
Depending on the combination of procedures you choose, surgery will probably last between two and eight hours. After you are properly anesthetized, your plastic surgeon will make the incisions necessary for removal of excess skin and fat. After the incision has been made, he or she gently elevates the skin and fat off of the underlying structures. For a tummy tuck, the muscles of the abdominal wall are usually tightened using strong, permanent internal sutures. Some patients have hernias in the abdominal wall, and these may also be repaired during a tummy tuck.
After removing the excess skin and fat, your plastic surgeon will redrape the skin over the underlying structures. One or more drains may be placed beneath the incisions. These slender, rubber tubes assist in draining any fluid that may accumulate beneath the incisions and delay your healing. Your plastic surgeon may also choose to use a new product called Tissue Glue. This product helps your body heal and minimizes the fluid that may empty into your drains, allowing the drains to be removed earlier.
At the completion of the operation, a sterile dressing is applied to the incisions, and a compression garment is applied to the region of the body being treated. This compression garment helps support your incisions during healing, decreases postoperative swelling, and helps decrease any bruising that may occur.
To learn more about post-bariatric weight-loss surgery, you can call Dr. Cabbabe at (314) 842−5885 or click here to e-mail now!