BOTOX Cosmetic

Conveniently located to serve St. Louis, Missouri

botoxReduce visible signs of aging with Botox Cosmetic in St. Louis. With Botox, you can smooth away fine lines and wrinkles to achieve a younger-looking appearance. Botox offers a quick minimally invasive way of turning back the hands of time for those who are not yet ready for a surgical treatment.

What Are Botox Cosmetic Injections?

As we age, lines develop across our forehead, between our eyebrows (glabella) and around our eyes (crow’s feet) or mouth. These wrinkles form from the contraction of the underlying muscles to the skin above. Two neuromuscular agents, Botox and Dysport, act to paralyze these muscles and thus prevent wrinkling. If treatment is begun early, these agents can help to prevent formation of the wrinkles. If treatment is begun after the lines and furrows are well – established (do not disappear by stretching the skin), these agents can help to improve their appearance by softening them.

Botox and Dysport are derived from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum in the form of botulinum toxin type A, which is a neurotoxin. It paralyzes the muscles in small doses, resulting in improvement of creases and wrinkles.

Botox and Dysport are not indicated in the treatment of deep nasolabial folds or lines around the mouth or for lip augmentation. Fillers, laser resurfacing or dermabrasion are more appropriate treatment for these areas. Click here for more information and consent form.

Ideal Candidates

If you want to eliminate your crow’s feet lines or forehead creases, then you are a good candidate for Botox Cosmetic injections. Vertical neck bands may also be treated with Botox for a smoother complexion. If you have a known allergy to botulinum toxin, you may be advised against getting Botox injections.

Dr. Cabbabe incorporates his experience with reconstructive and cosmetic surgery of the face to give his patients the best results possible to meet their desires. He is an expert in cosmetic, reconstructive and minimally invasive facial plastic surgery. During your consultation, Dr. Cabbabe will carefully examine you and will make recommendations in order to help you achieve your desired result.

Preparing for the Treatment

Your consultation for Botox Cosmetic injections will involve a physical evaluation of your target areas. You will also be asked about your medical history, especially any allergies and underlying conditions that could result in complications. A discussion of your expectations will also take place.

You will be asked to refrain from taking any aspirin, plavix, Coumadin or any other type of blood thinner prior to your procedure to minimize bruising.

The Procedure

Prior to your procedure, our nurse injector will carefully plan the injection areas with you. A topical anesthetic may be offered to minimize discomfort. This can help take the edge off of the injections. After the planned injection sites have been cleaned with alcohol, the nurse injector will inject Botox or Dysport into the desired area. Common locations for injection include the forehead, glabella (between the eyebrows) and around the eyes. The entire procedure takes less than 5 minutes.

forehead botox
botox wrinkles

Before & After Gallery

View before-and-after pictures of real patients of Cabbabe Plastic Surgery

Learn More

Your BOTOX will be performed in our office in St. Louis, MO.


This procedure requires no recovery time or downtime. The nurse injector will ask that you keep ice on the injection site to decrease the risk of any bruising. She will also ask you not to lie down for a few hours. The agents take 3 – 5 days to see an effect and last from 4- 6 months depending on the quantity injected.


Under or over – correction is possible. The agents will wear off and cannot be reversed if over-correction is done. More Botox or Dysport may need to be injected at a later visit if further effect is desired.

Botox Cosmetic Cost

The cost of Botox Cosmetic treatments may vary depending on the extent of the work and the number of areas treated. The total price will reflect the number of injections used for your treatment.

Get in Touch

Contact us today to learn more about the benefits of Botox Cosmetic in St. Louis. Schedule your consultation today so you can find out more about how Botox can improve your appearance.

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