Archive for July, 2015
What is the gold standard for liposuction in Saint Louis?
I am often asked about options for liposuction by my patients. These patients generally fall into three groups: those that need skin removal in addition to fat removal e.g. tummy tuck), those that would have an obvious benefit from liposuction and those that don’t need much contouring but have a small problem area (the ones […]
St. Louis Abdominoplasty

The abdomen is one of the many parts of the body that commonly tends to collect fat and has become a popular problem area for many people. Once fat has made itself at home around the midsection, it is often very difficult to get rid of through traditional diet and exercise. Abdominal muscles that have […]
Bariatric Body Lift Surgery

After a major weight loss through traditional methods or bariatric surgery, the accomplishment of the weight loss is often partially over-shadowed by the disappointment of the excess skin left over. While a healthy diet and exercise routine can help you reach and maintain your ideal body weight, it unfortunately can do nothing for the excess […]