St. Louis Arm Lift is a surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the upper arm when there is sagging, excess skin. Excess skin often occurs after an individual loses a significant amount of weight through bariatric surgery or diet and exercise alone. Sagging skin can also occur naturally in the aging process. The upper arms are often one of the trouble areas for many women in particular who struggle to achieve the toned appearance they desire despite their best diet and exercise efforts. Through Arm Lift surgery the excess, sagging skin can be removed to create a more toned, smooth and youthful arm appearance. Some patients choose to combine Liposuction with the Arm Lift to remove stubborn pockets of fat from the upper arms in addition to removing the excess skin.

If you are tired of feeling self-conscious of your upper arms and interested in learning more about the Arm Lift procedure, contact our office to schedule your consultation with Dr. Cabbabe. It is important to understand that an arm lift surgery incision run horizontally along the under part of the upper arm between the elbow and armpit and this incision will leave behind a permanent scar. For most men and women the scar is worth the trade-off of having a better arm contour.