Carpal Tunnel Treatment in St. Louis
Long distance drivers, people who do repetitive movements at work, in hobbies or sports, people with certain pre-existing health conditions and women in their 40’s-60’s are all at risk for developing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a compression of the median nerve caused by swelling of the nerve or tendons. When this pressure is consistently applied on the nerve it can cause your hands to feel like they are tingling, reduce your strength and control and can even cause pain throughout your hands, wrist and forearm.
Most cases of Carpal Tunnel, if detected early on, can be treated using preventative measures or braces which stabilize the wrist and keep pressure off the nerve. However, there are some cases in which basic treatment is not sufficient enough. Examples of this would be if you have been treating your Carpal Tunnel for several months non-surgically with little to no results, if there is nerve damage, if you are unable to sleep due to pain, or if you are unable to work due to reduced strength or feeling in your hands.
This is when it is becomes necessary to begin discussing a Surgical Treatment. The good news is that approximately 85% of patients receiving Surgical Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome experience substantial relief.