Lip Augmentation – St. Louis
Many women envy the fuller pouts of the Angelina Jolie’s and Scartlett Johannson’s of the world, but the truth is, the majority of us need a little assistance to achieve the results we desire. Walk down any drug store, cosmetic beauty aisle and you”ll find a selection of “lip plumping” glosses and overnight “treatments” that leave your lips stinging and provide only minimal, short lasting results. If you are looking for a more long lasting, defining treatment to enhance your lips once and for all, a lip augmentation procedure may be for you.
St. Louis lip augmentation is performed in a couple of ways. One way is through collagen fillers. The treatment take just a matter of minutes and the results can last you up to four months. The best way to find out if lip augmentation is ideal for you, is to contact our office and schedule your consultation.