Archive for January, 2013

Bilateral Mastectomy Rates Increasing

In the 1990’s, only approximately 3% of women opted for bilateral (both sides) mastectomy when facing a diagnosis of breast cancer in one breast. Today, that percentage is closer to 15%. The reasons are unclear. They may be related to improvements in breast reconstruction, increased genetic testing or fear. Many of these women tend to […]

St Louis Breast Augmentation – Mastopexy

A recent study in the Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery confirmed that combining breast augmentation and breast lift in the same procedure is safe. This is a procedure I have been performing for some time now with predictable results. Doing this procedure involves two opposing forces: In a breast augmentation, the breast is enlarged […]

State Medical Boards Clamping Down on Medi-Spas

Content coming soon.

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